Mare Wakefield
Mare Wakefield
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Take Me Home
Leroy was the name of my first love, he had eyes as black as night
Part Indian part wolf he liked to say and he must have been right
Leroy drove a beat up pickup truck, a 1964 Chevrolet
Full of rocks and sticks and dirt, Leroy liked his truck that way
And in our town of Aubrey, South Dakota there was never much to do
They say that it’s the land that God forgot, most folks forgot about it too
We’d go out driving me and Leroy, driving just to get away
And it was sweet then loving Leroy, on the South Dakota plains

We’d tell each other all our plans for when we made it through high school
Yeah, even Aubrey, South Dakota can inspire a dream or two
I was gonna be this hot-shot actress like the ones on your TV
Leroy never had these aspirations, said he was gonna drive a truck for me
But we both knew he’d never leave this town, it’s like it was too much in his blood
This was one thing about Leroy that I never understood
He would look at me with those sweet dark eyes, black obsidian, black coal
Loving Leroy in South Dakota, I could almost see his soul

When my chance for leaving finally came right after high school graduation
Leroy helped me pack my bags, he drove me to the Greyhound station
Leroy was silent as we packed, Leroy he was silent on the way
Finally I just said “goddamn it, Leroy, ain’t you got no words to say?”
And he said “I don’t wanna loose this love we have” and there I was thinking I was so free
Leroy turned his eyes back on the road, but he aimed his words at me
“I know that you’ll forget all about this town, maybe even forget my name
But I will always be here loving you, on the South Dakota plains”

Leroy never turned his engine off as we were saying our goodbyes
I said “hey Leroy, keep in touch now,” but he would not meet my eyes
So I took one last ragged breath, then I took a window seat
And we took off down the road with Leroy staring after me
But we had only gone maybe fifty miles when I saw a sheer cliff on the right
And I saw a 1964 Chevrolet truck drive right off the side
Leroy was the name of my first love, but that love went up in flames
Now he just drives through my memory on the South Dakota plains
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