I sat down this morning to have me some toast and jam
I was perfectly rested, the way I usually am
Then I opened a window to get some fresh air
Who do you think I found waiting there?
The Fly Flew In, grinning a grin
(hoping to get in this way)
We dont even have a swatter
I think we oughta get one right away
The Fly Flew In
He went straight for the table; I didnt have time to think
He landed so lightly, rubbed his back legs and winked
Thats when I waved my hand and told him to shoo
What do you think he decided to do?
(He dove into my breakfast tray)
I tried to ignore it, the whole big ugly affair
But he zoomed around wildly Ð a zig here, a zag there
So I thought Id retire to a quieter scene
How do you think he responded to me?
(Buzzin round the house all day)
Id finally had it; I just couldnt take it no more
I rolled a newspaper and chased him all the way to the door
Then I screamed in frustration with my mouth open wide
Who do you think flew right inside?
(Then he flew back out the same way)
(Buzzin round the house all day)